Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cautious is the best approach..

In the name of Allah, the benevolent, the merciful – al-Isra’a:36

“And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for surely the hearing, or the sight, the heart all of those shall be questioned of.”

"Dan janganlah kamu mengikuti apa yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati, semuanya itu akan diminta bertanggung jawabnya tentangnya."

One of the personalities in the photograph above (4th from left) resembles to Khairy Jamaludin, PM’s son-in-law or better as KJ in Malaysian’s politic.

Was he or wasn’t he remains doubtful since the authenticity of the pic is questionable. In other words, the photo could be doctored or super imposed. It’s up to us to conclude the final word whether ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

But Islam provides pre-caution. And the verse above (al-Isra’a”36) from the Holy Quran is as Muslims’ guidance to engage with the circumstances like this.

We are being warned for not to pursue or believe of whichever beyond our reach. After all, silence is the best policy.

Regarding to the photograph which was being circulated in the internet, I’m afraid it wasn’t the person that we hope for. It could be other guy who is looks like him.

I didn’t mean to back or defend this bloke. In world of modern technology everything are possible. Furthermore, the UMNO general election is just around the corner and KJ is one of the leading candidate for the UMNO Youth Chief post.

'Stop Spreading Lies On the Internet'


pemikir lapuk said...

islam agama mulia...tapi pbawanya tk pernah hendak memuliakan islam....(salam sai be bro)

al-Balingi said...

al-Balingi to Pemikir Lapuk,

Tq Pemikir Lapuk. Islam bukan sahaja mulia, tp ya'lu wa la yu'la 'alaih. Tinggi dan tiada agama lain yang lebih tinggi dari Islam.

pemikir lapuk said...

kita tk boleh hina agama lain..stiap agama mgajar kebaikkan...bak kata tok guru nik.....dia gembira kalau semua org mgamalkan agama masing2 dgn baik..tentu aman dunia..dan tiada rasuah...