Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ahhh Perancis..dulu burqini,sekarang burqa'.

Dewan Rakyat Perancis semalam sebulat suara meluluskan pengharaman burqa sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha untuk menetap dan melindungi nilai-nilai Perancis yang turut menimbulkan rasa kurang senang di kalangan negara Muslim.

Penyokong utama rang undang-undang tersebut berkata, pemakaian burqa tidak sejajar dengan nilai ideal Perancis yang mementingkan kesamaaan jantina mahupun tradisinya yang bersifat sekular.

Perbahasan pengharaman burqa dan niqab akan dibawa ke Dewan Negara Perancis September ini.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salaam Alikum

I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I asked you for some Information.

I was hoping you would have some links to provide me concerning Shariah Law, I know some things about this system enough even to know that I defend Shariah when ever anyone ignorantly goes out of their way to slander it.

I have a friend who's inquiring to me to me about the details of shariah, my friend simply wants to know the truth about Shariah because our western Media is full of the worst propaganda you could imagine he does not trust anyone one but me to deliver the facts to him, like I said I know enough to say that I will defend the reputation of Shariah boldly, but not enough to deliver detailed and untainted information.

If it's not to much trouble please if you or anyone you know can help me understand the full details about this please;
send this information to my Blog.
