Saturday, July 18, 2009

Please Give Truth A Chance...

His skin colour and religion might not same as me, but we hold the similarity as Malaysian citizen. Being a Malaysian he has every right to be treated fairly like others especially the Malays.

Teoh Beng Hock, a political secretary to Selangor State Exco, Ean Yong Hian Wah was found dead on a roof of a four-storey building next to the Selangor offices of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

The former Sinchew journalist believed to be taken the MACC's office on July 15th as a witness of Yong Hian Wah's corruption case and ended up died at 1.30 a day after.

Was there a foul play? Was it accidental ? Or maybe he commited suicide. These are the questions rakyat need to know.

Najib's aspiration of 1Malaysia promise us the slimmest of hope that truth will prevail somehow. And the culprit of Beng Hock's death will be brought up to the justice. My deepest condolence goes to Beng Hock's family and love ones.

The people of Malaysia want truth and answers.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Marwa al Sherbini : Barat Masih Berandaian Murahnya Darah Seorang Islam..

Tragedi yang menimpa Allahyarhamah Marwa al Sherbini cukup memilukan dan sukar diterima bagi mereka yang bergelar seorang Islam.

Peristiwa berdarah ini adalah rentetan malang terus menggigit umat Islam di seluruh dunia.

Ibu kepada seorang anak yang berusia 4 tahun ini, ditikam 18 kali oleh seorang rakyat Jerman di dalam sebuah mahkamah , manakala suaminya turut tercedera ditikam. Lebih menghibakan ,ketika itu Marwa mengandung 3 bulan.

Allahyarhamah merupakan seorang muslimah Mesir yang menetap di Jerman mengikut suaminya yang berjaya memperolehi biasiswa Phd di dalam bidang Kejuruteraan Genetik.

Marwa juga dikenali sebagai Pakar Farmasi dan seorang yang suka melakukan kerja-kerja kebajikan. Menjalani kehidupan di persekitaran baru cukup mencabar ditambah pula dengan perbedaan warna kulit dan agama.

Konflik tercetus apabila Allahyarhamah telah diganggu dan ditohmah ketika menemani anaknya bermain di taman permainan kanak-kanak.

Dengan hanya meminta agar anaknya turut diberi peluang untuk bermain buaian, beliau dituduh sebagai ' Muslim Terrorist' oleh Axel W, 28 tahun, yang merupakan juga jirannya.

Melihat situasi tersebut kerap berulang, jiran-jirannya yang lain menasihatkan agar Marwa mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Axel.

Dan ketika proses perbicaraan berjalan, manusia berhati binatang yang bernama Axel W dengan tidak semena-mena menikam sebanyak 18 kali tikaman. Ya, 18 kali.

Dan ibu muda tersebut gugur menyembah bumi. Suaminya turut diperlakuan sedemikian rupa dan masih di dalam keadaan kritikal.

Agenda dan dakyah Amerika kini menampakkan kesannya. Dunia barat secara majoritinya kini memusuhi Islam dan mereka telah berjaya menanam bibit-bibit kebencian terhadap Islam di hati sanubari setiap warganya. Moga mereka mendapat balasan setimpalnya dari Allah SWT.

Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar umat Islam di seluruh dunia dilindungi dan selamatkan dari apa jua tragedi buruk dan bala bencana.

'We are free to wear what our religion orders us, just like you are free to follow your religions and believes...Our blood is not cheaper than yours'

Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarhamah Marwa Al Sherbini.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Did MJ died as a Muslim?

The king of pop is dead. Michael Joseph Jackson or better known as Michael Jackson finally met his Creator at the age of 50.

The former Jackson Five was pronounced dead after paramedics found him in a coma at his Bel-Air mansion.

World recognize MJ. Primary school kids know the king of pop. I bet you, even Islamic Scholars know who is Michael Jackson.

Me, myself remember when i was 8 year olds, an older friend of mine loves to impersonate MJ's stlye of dance. It was 'Billie Jean' that time.

During my childhood , we used to watch movies every weekend. We normally collected 20 cent each to rent a video tape from a video shop nearby.Any flick will do.

I still remember one day when one of my friend suggested us to watch a new released Michael Jackson : Thriller. It was a box office film during that time. I was so amazed after watching that movie and at the age of 8 years old, I grew up idolizing the great king of pop.

But, did he died as a muslim? Was MJ a muslim before? The question will be answered when he is buried? Daily Telegraph, one of the UK's top online newspaper reported in 2008, Nov 21st, that MJ has converted to Islam and change his name to Mikaeel.

He converted to Islam in a ceremony at a friend's house in Los Angeles. He is said to have sat on the floor and worn a small hat while an imam officiated.

However, the American pop star do has a practical Muslim brother name Muhammad Abdul Aziz or rather known as Jermaine Jackson.

The former Grammy Award winner and prolific songwriter himself embraced Islam in 1989 after a short interaction with a group of Muslims children.

In an exclusive interview with the editor of The Muslims News in February 2007, he revealed that his brother ( Michael Jackson) may soon convert to Islam. He was so confident Michael would convert to Islam one day.

Jermaine added, after back from Mecca, he got a lot of books for his brother and Michael had shown a lot of interest on Islam. He did asked Jermaine about his new religion and the latter explained the beautiful of Islam.

Could it the story above help us in justifying MJ's religion status ? Only Allah know best.