Monday, August 31, 2009

When scanty of Muslims by birth try to play hero..

Looking back for what happened on Friday in Shah Alam, only one simple word can describe them. STUPID. To insult other religion in a holy month of Ramadhan, just after completed your Friday prayer was brutish and uncivilized.

Believe me, nothing was achieved by them, just a damage reputation for Muslims in this country to deal with. I urge my fellow Indian friends, please forgive them. Their shameful act did not represent Malay-Muslims as a whole.

A group, claiming to be Muslim residents of Section 23, protested last Friday and threatened bloodshed and stomped on the head of a cow, an animal sacred in Hinduism.

I am yet to understand what are they actually? A devoted muslims or, just a racist bigot who always manipulated their heart and mind to create tension among the multiracial residents. The way I see it, I do believe that they are just nothing, but only a bunch of desperate racist gooners.

As muslims, we were taught by al-Quran and Hadith to respect God's creatures as well as other religions. Never Prophet Muhammad SAW teaches us to desecrate other beliefs be it Hindus , Buddhas or Christians.

So, stomping or putting feet on a dead cow-head was an act of low-minded and un-Islamic kind of person. They should mirror themselves instead of going to public unnecessarily seeking right over racial and religion issue.

If I were them, I prefer fighting for the restriction of alcoholic drinks in the neighborhood rather than objecting the relocation of the temple as being planned by the current state government. That's more rational if you're really care about your fellow muslim brothers.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramadhan Datang Lagi..

Ramadhan datang lagi. Memendekkan jangka hayat bagi setiap makhluk bernyawa di muka bumi ini. Syukur, aku masih lagi bernyawa untuk menunaikan kewajipan rukun Islam ketiga ini.

Bagi diriku, meraikan Ramadhan kali ini berbeza dari tahun -tahun sebelumnya. Kehadiran orang tersayang disisi makin menyemarakkan semangat untuk beribadat serta mencari keredhaan Ilahi.

Bukan kekayaan dunia mahupun kemasyhuran nama yang dicari. Cukuplah sekadar keberkatan dan kebahagiaan hidup yang dikurniakan Allah buat diriku dan isteri. Moga liku-liku hidup ini bisa diteruskan dengan mengabdikan diri pada Allah serta mampu mencapai mardhatillah. Amin.

Salam Ramadhan buat semua.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Liquor Sale in Selangor : A Test To PAS Political Ideology..

YB Dato.Dr Hassan Ali and YB Ronnie Lui - friend of foe?

For some people, the alcoholic drinks issue in Selangor might be over when MB Dato' Khalid Ibrahim decided there will be no restriction sale in Shah Alam. But for Dr Hassan Ali, state PAS chief commissioner, the struggle to fight for Muslims right in Shah Alam to continue as planned.

The spat over beer brewing when Ronnie Liu, State Local Council boss ordered local council officers to return beer seized from a convenience store in a predominant Muslim-neighbourhood in Shah Alam.

Liu's action sparked an outburst from his fellow friend, Dr.Hassan Ali, person who in charge in Islamic Affairs resulting a call to strip Ronnie's post as state executive councillor. However, Dr. Hassan did made a press statement later denying his call against Ronnie.

And the discomfort situation surroundings PR coalition finally find its way out when MB Dato' Khalid Ibrahim decided not to ban and restrict the liquor sale but the beverages cannot be sold to muslims and under age kids. Thats it.Period.

As a muslims, I bear no grudge against Khalid. Considering he is an MB represent multiracial political party like PKR, to implement Islamic agenda wasn't on his top wish list. Morever, DAP is the second highest stake holder in Selangor government so its rational to please your second highest shared-partner rather than the third ones.

Since Umno took over Malaysia from British, they governed the Tanah Melayu as a secular country. Together with the MCA and the MIC, they formed a very formidable coalition that last long until now. Since then, muslims in this country were denied their right to uphold Sharia' as guidance of life.

When PAS were formed in 1951, the Islamist political party positions itself to establish Malaysia as country based on Islamic Legal Theory derived from primary sources of Islam, the Quran and the Sunnah. And educating the public about the dark side of alcoholic drinks were also part of it.

The 'amar makruf nahi mungkar' philosophy carried out by PAS continues when they were gifted 8 seats in Selangor State Assembly. With limited space and power to maneuver, the Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party however did put their best effort to distance Muslims from liquor consumption.

The proposal was so simple. Restrict the sale of alcohol in predominant Muslims neighborhood in Shah Alam. Its Muslims majority area, I just don't understand why the 'other two friends' refused to grant permission for the residents to exercise their religion and beliefs.

In some places in Malaysia where Muslims are the minority, the non-muslims are allowed to enjoy what claimed to be part of their culture and lifestyle. Disco's ,pubs , karaoke outlet are everywhere. You can drink gallon of beer and dance till dawn if want it. Who cares. Though, we never bother and complain about it albeit I believe there were Muslims involved in such immoral activity like that.

The pig abattoir trouble actually did projected the unprofessionalism of Kedah DAP's comrade in dealing with local issue. Soon after the slaughterhouse was destroyed by the local authority, they promptly pulled out from PR government in Kedah without cponsulting their party leaders. Its chairman, Thomas Su accused that the PAS-led Kedah government insensitive the needs of minorities in the state.

Gratefully the Selangor PAS did not react the same way despite being hampered by criticism over the liquor issue and its showed how PAS valued and appreciated the spirit of friendship in Pakatan Rakyat.

When PAS's top leadership agreed to form a coalition comprising DAP and PKR, there were a big hu-ha raging across the country saying that the Islamic Party are set to throw away their political ideology and the struggle for theocratic state will ended just like that. For me it just nothing, but only a poor political analysis especially for those who are on the opposite side.

The Selangor's booze sale controversy is a great example that PAS are yet to concede their political principle and the the pursuit of the implementation of Shariah will go on. And what more important is ,the application of Shariah only effect on Muslims and the for the non-muslims they are free to exercise their religions and belief.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Eviden kesensitifan Melayu-Islam kini tiada lagi...

Sekujur tubuh yang pernah menggemparkan Malaya suatu ketika dahulu kini telah kembali menemui penciptaNya pada 10 Julai lalu. Maria Hertogh atau lebih dikenali dengan Natrah diberitakan meninggal dunia akibat cancer pada usia 72 tahun.

Menyingkap kembali sejarah Natrah secara ringkas, beliau merupakan anak pasangan suami-isteri warga Belanda bernama Adrinus Petrus Hertogh dan Adeline Hunter. Beranggapan tidak mampu lagi untuk Maria, disebabkan suaminya ditahan tentera Jepun, ibunya Adeline menyerahkan Natrah kepada peniaga kain yang bernama Che Aminah Mohamad, peniaga kain di Jawa yang berasal dari Terengganu.

Bertitik tolak dari situ, Bertha meneruskan kelangsungan hidupnya sebagai seorang Islam, dan Bertha bertukar menjadi Natrah. Sekembalinya ke Terengganu, Natrah dididik dengan akhlak dan ajaran Islam.

Percubaan kali pertama untuk mengembalikan Natrah kepada agama asalnya menemui jalan buntu apabila hakim mengisytiharkan bahawa Che Aminahberhak menjadi penjaga Natrah. Amarah musuh Islam tidak terhenti begitu saja, percubaan kali kedua telah berjaya mengembalikan Natrah kepada keluarga asalnya.

Natrah dan Che Aminah

Pada tanggal 12 Disember 1950, hakim telah menjatuhkan hukuman bahawa Natrah mestilah kembali kepada keluarga asalnya di Belanda. Kembali ke pangkuan keluarganya bermakna Natrah berpatah balik menjadi penganut kristian.

Penghakiman tersebut telah menjurus kepada berlakunya apa yang dipanggil sebagai 'Tragedi Natrah'. Sensitiviti masyarakat Melayu ketika itu cukup tinggi apabila mereka keluar beramai-ramai membantah keputusan tersebut. Ketika berlakunya rusuhan , dilaporkan seramai 18 orang mati manakala 173 tercedera dan Singapura ketika itu diletakkan di bawah perintah berkurung selama 2 hari 2 malam.

Begitulah betapa kuatnya sentimen keIslaman umat Melayu-Islam terdahulu. Sanggup bermandi darah demi menyelamatkan akidah saudara seagama. Apakah sensitiviti ini terus menebal di kalangan penganut Islam rumpun Melayu ketika ini? Inilah yang menjadi persoalannya.

'Rusuhan Natrah '- Singapura 1950

Betapa musuh Islam berterusan dengan sedaya upaya melebarkan empayar Kristian di rantau ini, tetapi komuniti Islam terus hanyut dibuai nikmat dunia. Gejala murtad yang tiada noktahnya hanya di pandang sebelah mata oleh umat Melayu pada hari ini tanpa wujud sezarah keinsafan untuk menyelamatkan saudara seIslam kita.

Cukuplah dengan episod sedih Hartina Kamarudin dan Nor Aisyah Bukhori ,kita tidak mahu 'duplicate' peristiwa tersebut berulang lagi. Moga kita terus di bawah peliharaan dan penjagaan Allah SWT.